Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Make Money Online - Blogging for Bucks

A blog (short for weblog) is an interactive web journal or website that provides commentary or news about a particular subject. For example, if your blog is about parenting, you may post the latest news, studies, tips and ideas regarding how to parent or become a better parent. The blog is updated regularly with posts, which are articles that contain commentary or news regarding the overall topic of the blog. The posts are listed in reverse chronological order with the most recent post listed first.

You can create a FREE blog by joining It is very easy to create a blog. You don't need to have any Html or technical knowledge. And the best part is that you could literally have your blog up and running within hours!

So how do you blog for bucks?

One way to make money online working at home with a blog is to post revenue generating ads on your blog such as Google AdSense or Bidvertiser. Once you sign up and create an account with Google AdSense or Bidvertiser (both are totally FREE), you may then start placing contextual or banner ads on your blog. When a visitor to your blog clicks on any one of the ads from Google AdSense or Bidvertiser you make money!

Another great way to bring in the bucks with your blog is to become an affiliate. As an affiliate, you place contextual links or banners on your blog promoting your merchant's product or service. When a visitor to your blog clicks on the link, they are sent to the merchant's website where they may purchase the product or service. If a purchase is made you earn a commission of the sale.

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